Monday, July 20, 2009

Online Photosharing

5th Period APUSH Class
Originally uploaded by pennlion79
This is a picture of my 5th period class from the 2006-2007 school year. Once I got the hang of Flickr I didn't mind using it. The one thing that I would like to see Flickr add is the ability to upload more than one photograph at a time. Facebook allows this and it is so much easier to upload 50 pictures at once instead of having to do it one at a time. That way you can click upload and walk away from your computer while Facebook uploads all of the photos. The upside to Flickr is that you can see more photographs and add them to your favorites or to your album, which you cannot do with Facebook, unless you are friends with that person.

There is a paper that I ask my AP students to complete during the year that asks them to analyze a series of Depression era photographs and then discuss what New Deal programs attempted to solve the problems shown in the photograph. I could make this an online assignment and ask my students to post their comments about the photographs and that way they could learn from each other's ideas. This would satisfy that NETS-S standard of "Communication and Collaboration" because they would be exchanging ideas using Web 2.0 technologies.

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